News / Legislation news /
Law review for November 23-27, 2020

November 28, 2020

MP Bekeshev proposes granting Kyrgyz citizenship to foreign citizens by investment

On November 24, 2020, the draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic” was submitted for public discussion.

Initiator: Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh Dastan Bekeshev.

This bill is aimed at attracting funds to pay off the external debt of the Kyrgyz Republic through the mechanism of granting citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic to foreign citizens in return for investments. At the same time, foreign citizens should not be citizens of states with which the Kyrgyz Republic has common borders.

The bill proposes to raise funds to pay off external debt and introduce a simplified mechanism for obtaining citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic in return for investments.

The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Citizenship in the Kyrgyz Republic" contains a mechanism for granting citizenship to foreign citizens in return for investment. However, this mechanism has not yet worked, since it has a number of restrictive conditions: 1) A foreign citizen is obliged to live in the Kyrgyz Republic for at least 3 years;

2) A foreign citizen must be fluent in Kyrgyz or Russian;

3) A foreign citizen is obliged to invest in priority sectors of the economy in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (this procedure was not approved by the Government).

This bill proposes to enable foreign citizens to obtain citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic in a simplified manner – to pay to a special account (for the accumulation of funds to pay off the external debt of the Kyrgyz Republic) 100 thousand US dollars.


Standards for assessing the RIA quality approved

In accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated September 30, 2020 No. 504 "On approval of the Methodology for regulatory impact analysis of legal acts on the activities of business entities", the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic issued an order on the implementation of the resolution on November 26, 2020.

This order approved the standards for assessing the quality of the regulatory impact analysis and the assessment of the public consultations conducted.

In accordance with these standards, the Economy Ministry will conduct an examination of the RIA of draft regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial activity for compliance with the RIA Methodology.

The aim of the standards is the transparency of the RIA examination procedure by the Ministry of Economy.


A bill on combining the design and construction of facilities considered

On November 25, at a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh, the deputies considered the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Sphere of Construction" (to the Law "On Urban Development and Architecture of the Kyrgyz Republic", Housing Code, Land Code) in the third reading.

The bill was developed in order to solve problematic issues in the construction sector, in particular, the long terms of consideration of the submitted documents to government agencies. The design and construction of multi-storey residential buildings, public, industrial, water management facilities, as well as linear facilities can be carried out by combining the design and construction processes in the manner established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.


The Light Industry Development Program for 2020-2023 developed

On November 24, the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "On approval of the Program for the Development of Light Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020-2023."

The goal of the Program is to create favorable conditions for the development and increase the competitiveness of the industry's products, ensure employment of the population and lay the foundation for the formation of sustainable demand and recognition of light industry products of the Kyrgyz Republic in the chain shopping malls of the EAEU member countries, with the prospect of entering international markets.
