Competition Commission for the selection of projects and programs for environmental protection and conservation of natural resources established
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev signed the corresponding order. The decision was made to effectively use the funds for financing projects and programs for environmental protection and preservation of natural resources of the Kyrgyz Republic coming from Kumtor Gold Company CJSC in accordance with the Strategic Agreement and the Unilateral Obligation under the Strategic Agreement dated August 7, 2019, signed by Centerra Gold Inc. and Kumtor Gold Company.
The Kyrgyz Republic Nature Development Fund was created under the Strategic Agreement between Centerra Gold and Kyrgyz Government. The Fund’s functions include the implementation of projects to protect the environment and preserve the natural resources of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Competition Commission will consider projects and programs on the ecology and conservation of natural resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, expanding of the the use of energy-saving technologies, and introducing renewable energy sources.
Parliament Committee approves ratification of the Agreement on the harmonization of legislation of the EAEU member states
On October 15, the Parliament Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security considered the draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On ratification of the Agreement on harmonization of the laws of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the field of the financial market, signed on November 6, 2018 in Moscow.”
Amendments drafted in the Customs Union’s technical regulation on the safety of milk and dairy products
October 15, 2019
The draft amendments provide for the classification of reconstituted milk as a dairy product packaged in consumer packaging and its corresponding labeling and establishment of requirements for identification and safety indicators for reconstituted milk as a finished dairy product packaged in consumer packaging.
The amendments aim to provide dairy producers with the opportunity to produce reconstituted milk in the form of finished dairy products packaged in consumer packaging.
Draft law on amendments to the Law “On the protection of bank deposits” submitted for public discussion
On October 17, 2019, the Economy Ministry submitted for public discussion a draft law “On Amending the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the Protection of Bank Deposits”. The bill was drafted in order to increase the amount of compensation for deposits (insurance coverage) in commercial banks upon the occurrence of a guarantee case, as well as to increase protection for depositors of commercial banks and to strengthen public confidence in the banking system.
Regulation on the procedure for the provision of state-owned land plots approved
The corresponding decision was signed by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev. The regulation provides for the provision of land plots of state land users for temporary use for the installation of lightweight facilities by the electronic auction.
Procedures for registering vehicles and issuing driver's licenses simplified
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic signed the corresponding decision on October 18, 2019.
The rules of state registration, re-registration of vehicles, installations and equipment, as well as property rights to them, approved by the Government Resolution dated June 23, 2019 No. 407, were amended as follows: the issuance of vehicle technical coupons for legal entities has been excluded; the procedure for registering vehicles for foreign citizens has been simplified; each vehicle, installation and equipment is assigned a unique identification number, and all the necessary data about them should be entered into an electronic database; etc.