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IBC Golf Fest is getting more interesting every year

June 19, 2023

On June 16, 2023,IBC successfully held one of its main networking events of the year — IBC Golf Fest 2023. The IBC summer sports event loved by everyone was held at the Maple Leaf Golf Club for the twelfth time.

Opening the festival, IBC Executive Director Askar Sydykov stressed that IBC Golf Fest 2023 will be even more interesting, and its program will be richer and more diverse than before, focusing on networking and attracting more participants.

“Such large-scale events allow us to declare ourselves as the largest community of bona fide big business in the country,” said Askar Sydykov and expressed gratitude to other partner organizations and government bodies for holding the event

“Thanks to the joint successful work, we achieve very impressive results, as evidenced by the indicators of the financial effect of our organization's activities over the past year. Only the financial effect available for calculation from our activities amounted to more than 280 million US dollars,” he said.

These funds benefited the economy of Kyrgyzstan, were invested further in the development of the private sector, and generally had a beneficial effect on the development of the country.

The IBC head listed several more important results of the business association's activities.

With the assistance of IBC, a moratorium on business inspections was introduced until the end of 2023; proposals were made to the Business Agenda of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2026; some bills that worsen the investment climate were suspended; an active dialogue was organized between international development institutions, diplomatic missions, government agencies and the private sector.

The IBC proposals were taken into account in the course of the fiscal policy reform (the tax rate for public catering and tourism activities, the excise tax rate were reduced, the upper threshold for the single tax eliminated, etc.).

With the IBC assistance, legislative incentives were developed for the introduction of a green economy and ESG in the mining industry, tourism and agriculture; reduced fees for the retention of licenses for the subsoil use right.

The IBC recommendations were taken into account in the development of the digital economy and the facilitation of trade (the introduction of electronic labor contracts and remote work, the improvement of state electronic systems related to the electronic consignment note, electronic invoices), and much more.

Traditionally, socially responsible business, IBC partners from international organizations, diplomatic missions and government agencies gathered in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to playing on the big field, the participants of the festival tried themselves in a mini-golf tournament, on the training field of the club, in various team games or just enjoyed a pleasant Friday evening with friends and partners.

Guests of the event were provided with a wide range of entertainment including an interactive show from Show Today firm, master classes in social dancing and drawing. Guests could play table tennis or badminton in the sports area. Meanwhile, nearby, in the children's area with a trampoline, animators entertained children with an interactive program.

The well-known musical group CoolBand performed throughout the event.

Judging by the numerous reviews, everyone was satisfied with the event — adults and children, participants in the golf tournament, master classes and numerous competitions. Everyone found something to their liking.

The guests of the event also liked the treats including various drinks and ice cream, as well as a dinner with delicious pilaf.

We thank all the participants of Golf Fest 2023. We express special gratitude to the companies, thanks to whose support we were able to make our event so diverse and eventful, with many competitions and prizes. We thank the general partners of the event — the international investment company Freedom Broker and Bishkeksut JSC, our official partners Kant TSP LLC, UNO City-Resort, partners — Insurance Company "Kyrgyzstan" CJSC, RG Brands Kyrgyzstan LLC, Abdysh-Ata LLC, Sierra Group of Companies LLC, as well as companies that supported our event with gifts and their products: Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan OJSC, Optima Bank OJSC, Hyatt Regency Bishkek Hotel, Show Today entertainment organization, Kyrgyzkommertsbank OJSC, the Association of Kymyz Producers, which provided national drinks, and companies that provided products Kara Bayir and Khan's.