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ADB preparing the Promoting Economic Diversification Program in the Kyrgyz Republic

February 21, 2019

From February 18 to 22, 2019, the Asian Development Bank conducted an orientation mission to prepare the Promoting Economic Diversification Program in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The proposed Economic Diversification Program will support the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in continuing the political and institutional reforms needed to enhance the role of the private sector in economic development, including through economic diversification with by diversifying the economy with the avoidance of natural resource exploitation and consumption based on remittances. The reform program will ensure broad-based economic growth. (

On February 21, IBC Executive Director Askar Sydykov took part in a meeting with the ADB mission to discuss unsolved issues and constraints, as well as problems regarding the business environment, political and institutional framework for ensuring economic development, including through diversification of the economy.

The main areas of focus are: (i) trade and investment competitiveness, (ii) SME development, (iii) infrastructure development, and (iv) industry-specific skills development.

The mission included Mr. Laisias Torah, an economist (government finance) / Mission Leader; Ms. Priyanka Sood, ADB Central and West Asia Department, Mr. Yuji Miyaki, a specialist in public administration (taxation), and Ms. Gulkair Tentieva, Senior Economist.