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International experts conduct audit of Kyrgyzstan’s economic freedom

February 5, 2019

The Kyrgyz Republic lags behind in economic freedom: out of 162 countries in the Index of Economic Freedom, it occupies the 77th place, below Kazakhstan, Georgia and Mongolia.

The FRASER Institute annually publishes Index, the head of its research group, Fred McMahon, and the vice-president of the ATLAS network, Tom Palmer, came to Bishkek to conduct an audit of the economic freedom of the Kyrgyz Republic.

How can the Kyrgyz Republic improve its place in the world ranking? What indicators are now and what has changed? What can we do to improve the situation? These issues were discussed on February 7 by the participants of the roundtable organized by experts from the FRASER Institute, ATLAS network and CAFMI (Central Asian Free Market Institute). IBC Executive Director Askar Sydykov took part in the discussions.

The Kyrgyz Republic can use the Index of Economic Freedom as an indicator to assess its reforms, which will pave the way to prosperity, improve the investment climate, revitalize businesses and guide citizens to success, the meeting participants concluded.