The Kyrgyz Republic improved its performance by 7 positions, rising from the 77th place to 70th among 190 countries. The distance to frontier score was improved by 2.57 points, making 68.33 points. Doing Business ranking is a study that assesses legislation and law enforcement practice on business regulation in 190 countries of the world.
The World Bank ranked Kyrgyzstan among the countries whose economies showed the greatest changes.
The Kyrgyz Republic has significantly changed its legislation to improve the business environment. It is about the adoption of the new Civil Code. The country is expanding the role of shareholders in managing companies and improving export and import procedures. Significant changes have been achieved in civil procedures and law enforcement practices.
The best conditions for doing business are in New Zealand (86.59 points), Singapore (85.24 points) and Denmark (84.64 points).
Among the nearest Kyrgyzstan's neighbors, Kazakhstan (28th place, 77.89 points), Russia (31st place, 77.37 points) and Armenia (41st place, 75.37 points) have better indicators.