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Meeting with the Swiss business delegation

September 7, 2018
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The Investment Promotion and Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a meeting of the Swiss business delegation with representatives of the business community and state bodies of Kyrgyzstan.

Representatives of Swiss business circles working in various spheres of the economy familiarized themselves with the investment potential of the Kyrgyz Republic and cooperation prospects. The composition of the delegation attached.

IBC Executive Director Askar Sydykov told the guests about the IBC activities, adding that the association can help in establishing contacts with potential partners.

"We are grateful that Switzerland Government to provide technical assistance to Kyrgyzstan. The visits of business delegations mean that trade relations between the two countries are developing, and there will be more joint projects," he said.

Relations between the two countries have reached a new development stage after the recent visit of Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Amman to Bishkek, Askar Sydykov said.

In July 2018, a large delegation led by Johann Schneider-Amman visited Kyrgyzstan. The delegation of thirty people included representatives of parliament, local authorities - cantons and private sector of Switzerland.

Studying the opportunities for doing business by Swiss companies in our country, the delegation met with representatives of the private sector, business associations, including IBC, as well as representatives of Swiss companies in Kyrgyzstan.