Analysis of value chain of building materials (2015)
In 2015 IBC, Business Association of the JIA and the Research Institute "Serep"
formed a consortium, that conducted an analysis of the value chain of building materials supported by the USAID BGI Project. This project was aimed at obtaining information to create a clearer understanding of the industry as a whole and to use it as guidance in the future work of the project. A team consisting of local and international experts, identified and formed the structure of the chain of added value of building materials (production and marketing), studied
players / stakeholders, determined the territorial scope and scope of this chain. Within the framework of the project, the team succeeded:
• Characterize and study the main directions of demand and supply (2010-
• Identify and analyze main directions of demand and supply in the
construction sector / construction materials sector (2010-2014);
• Describe environmental factors, especially those that are relevant to
energy-saving and environment-protecting programs;
• Develop and study a value chain map that illustrates the flow of materials, goods, people and money through horizontal and vertical interrelationships between players in the building value chain materials from manufacturers, suppliers, sellers, etc., to the final consumer;
• To study and briefly characterize the legislative / regulatory acts and norms that guide representatives