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Governing bodies

General Meeting of IBC members

The highest management body of IBC (Association) is the General Meeting of Association's members. General Meeting of IBC members shall be convened at least once a year. Its main task is to ensure the Association's adherence to its goals and objectives. The General Meeting shall consider any matter that relates to IBC activities, but more importantly, it determines the priority directions of the Association's activities, introduces amendments and additions to the Association's Charter, decides on reorganization or liquidation of the Association, elects IBC Board and approves IBC Annual Report.

To view the full list of IBC members, please follow the link.

IBC Board

IBC Board is a collegial management body of the Association, which performs the functions of general management of it’s activities and supervision over fulfillment of its objectives as established by IBC Charter. Powers of the Association’s Board include making decisions on all issues related to the Association’s activities, but more importantly it executes control over implementation of decisions taken by the General Meeting, decides on admission and expulsion from IBC membership, appoints and dismisses an Executive Director, and determines an amount of an annual membership fee.

Composition of the IBC Board

Tanvir Aftab

Chairman, Kant TSP LLC, IBC Board Chairman

Sergey Odintsov

General Director, Bishkeksut OJSC (PepsiCo), IBC Board Member

Ulan Kachkynbekov

CEO, Unkur Tash LLC, IBC Board Member

Arif Ali

CEO, Kyrgyz Investment Credit Bank CJSC, IBC Board Member

Şevki Sarılar

General Manager, Demir Kyrgyz International Bank CJSC, IBC Board Member

Ilyas Tulekeyev

CEO, KAZ Minerals Bozymchak LLC, IBC Board Member

Aliya Chynybayeva

CEO, Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan OJSC, IBC Board Member

Ulukbek Turdubekov

External Affairs Manager, Kyrgyzstan, Philip Morris Kazakhstan LLP, IBC Board Member

Bradley Brenneman

Director, Sierra Group LLC, IBC Board Member

Saodat Shakirova

Director, Arte Law Firm LLC, IBC Board Member

Constantin N. Zelenty

Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Germany in the Kyrgyz Republic, IBC Board Associate Member

Ayten Rustamova

EBRD Director for Central Asia, IBC Board Associate Member

Revision Commission

Revision Commission controls the financial and economic activities of the Association, as well as carries out an audit of its financial activities. Revision Commission is elected by the General Meeting from among the Association’s members for a period of two years. Audit of financial and economic activities of the Association is carried out by the Revision Commission on the annual basis and upon the decision of the Association’s Board.

Members of the Revision Commission

Vitaliy Yen

Partner, General Director, LEX Law Firm LLC, the Revision Commission Member

Aicholpon Alieva

Managing Partner, K&A Legal LLC, the Revision Commission Member

Elizaveta Tsoy

Deputy General Director, Ernst & Young Audit LLC, the Revision Commission Member

Executive Body

Executive Director is an executive management body of the Association. The duties of Executive Director include all issues related to the Association’s activities, but more importantly Executive Director ensures implementation of decisions taken by General Meeting and the IBC Board, develops a meeting agenda for the IBC Board and General Meeting, submits an annual balance sheet and annual report, manages day-to-day operational and financial activities, and acts within the framework of his competency on behalf of the Association.

Askar Sydykov

Executive Director

Short bio

Zhanabil Davletbaev

Deputy Executive Director

Daniyar Dosmatov

Corporate Affairs Manager

Cholpon Zholdosheva

Head of the Economics and Finance Sector

Isabek Sultan

Legal Expert

Aigul Abduvalieva

Financial Manager

Lidiya Savina

IBC website editor

Media Relations Manager

Shirin Rizaeva

Administrative Manager