In 2012, IBC experts provided comments and suggestions to the first (draft bills “On mineral resources”, “On introduction of amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the KR”, “On introduction of amendment and addition to the law of the KR", "On non-tax payments”) and second (draft bills “On concessions in the KR”, “On mining concessions”, “On agreements on production sharing”, “On introduction of amendments and additions to the Tax Code of KR”) packages of draft bills on subsoil use;
On 28 September, 2012 IBC sent a letter with remarks and suggestions on the draft resolution by Kyrgyz Parliament “On establishment of customs export duties rates on goods exported from the territory of the KR”, which stipulated establishment of customs export duties rates on ores and concentrates of precious metals that are classified by code ТН ВЭД 2616. Apart from that, on 4 December 2012, IBC representatives spoke on this issue at one of the sessions of the parliamentary committee on fuel and energy complex and subsoil use. As a result, the parliamentary committee took into account the IBC remarks and recommended to send the draft resolution for revision;
In 2013, as a result of the IBC work, an amendment to the Article 217 of the Tax Code of the KR was revised. According to the amendment, which came into force on 1 January 2013, business enterprise and other economic entities since then are obliged to pay on a quarterly basis a provisional amount of income tax at a rate of 1% of revenue. IBC did not agree with the amendment since payments made in advance constitute a pre-payment on the income tax. Accordingly, the calculation should have been made in line with the tax base on income tax. The draft bill (amendment to the Article 217 of the Tax code of KR that brings all sides into original position) was adopted in three readings and signed by the President on 18 April 2013.
Besides the above-mentioned draft bills, IBC actively participates in the discussion of other normative legal acts, including the draft bill “On introduction of addition to the Law of the KR on banks and banking activity in the KR”, which stipulates a ban for banks to carry out any banking operations and transactions in offshore zones; new draft bills “On free economic zones in the KR”, “On introduction of amendments to the Tax Code of the KR”, as well as a draft constitutional law “On administrative activity and administrative procedures”, and many others.