News / Legislation news /
Law review for September 1-4, 2020

September 6, 2020

The Action Plan of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020 to ensure social stability, economic stability and maintenance of the population's income approved

On September 2, 2020, the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 13, 2020 No. 272-r was published

- In order to ensure social and economic stability and the protection of public health in connection with the spread of the COVID-19, as well as to implement the program of activities of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by the Resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic dated June 17, 2020 No. 3876-VI, and in accordance with Articles 10 and 17 of the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic":

1. To approve the Action Plan of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020 to ensure social and economic stability and maintenance of incomes of the population (hereinafter - the Plan).

2. State executive bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, offices of plenipotentiary representatives of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in regions, local self-government bodies (by agreement):

- take measures to implement the Plan in a timely manner;

- monthly, no later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting period, submit information on the implementation of the Plan to the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

1. The Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, on a monthly basis, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period, shall submit summary information on the implementation of the Plan to the Office of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. The Department of Economics and Investments of the Government Office of the Kyrgyz Republic on a monthly basis, no later than the 25th day of the month following the reporting period, shall provide the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic with summary information on the implementation of the Plan.

3. Establish personal responsibility of the heads of state executive bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, plenipotentiary representatives of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the regions, heads of local self-government bodies (as agreed) for the quality and timely implementation of the Plan.

4. Control over the achievement of indicators, high-quality and timely execution of the Plan in supervised areas shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

5. To recognize as invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated February 10, 2020 No. 42-r.

Prime Minister K. A. Boronov


The Jogorku Kenesh approves the receipt of $100 million to help small and medium-sized businesses

On September 3, 2020the Jogorku Kenesh approved in three readings the draft law “On the ratification of the Financing Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Development Association for the Emergency Support Project for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and the Loan Agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for the Emergency Support Project for Private and the financial sector, signed on September 2, 2020 ”.

The main goal of the project is to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in their response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and during the recovery period.

The International Development Association (World Bank) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank provide $100 million.

Link: [/url]

Gosfinnadzor submits a bill in the field of accounting for public discussion

On September 4, the State Service for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted for public discussion the draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts in the Field of Accounting" and the draft Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Amendments in some legislative acts in the field of accounting."

The bill was developed in order to:

- Implement the Strategy for the development of corporate financial reporting and audit in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2014-2020 (hereinafter - the Strategy) and the Action Plan for its implementation;

- Bring into conformity the norms of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic with the developed draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On audit activity" in the new edition;

- Elimination of contradictions between the norms of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in various areas with the norms of this draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the development of necessary measures to implement the norms of law and organizing mechanisms of the authorized state body to achieve law enforcement practice.

Link: [url=""]

The Economy Ministry has developed the Concept of the Mekenim National Pilot Program (to expand the opportunities of labor migrants and compatriots living abroad and planning to invest in the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic)

On September 1, 2020, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Approval of the Concept of the Mekenim National Pilot Program."

The NLA was developed in order to expand the opportunities for labor migrants and compatriots living abroad and planning to invest in the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Program is aimed at providing support to labor migrants, compatriots and their families who want to invest their capital in long-term investments and savings. The Program is a tool for the reintegration of Kyrgyzstan citizens who emigrated to foreign countries, by providing an opportunity to invest in their homeland and creating conditions for returning home. The Program will stimulate the attraction of investment capital to the economy based on remittances of migrant workers through the creation of special government support instruments that will be aimed at improving the living conditions of migrant families and creating or developing their own business.
