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An independent expert platform will help adapt to the new conditions amid a pandemic

August 14, 2020

The International Business Council (IBC) has launched an initiative to support the activities of scientists to minimize the impact of Covid-19 in Kyrgyzstan.

This will be a continuation of the work of the Oxford Group on Modeling and Forecasting the spread ofCOVID-19 epidemic, which includes researchers from Kyrgyzstan.

An independent expert platform, the Expert Advisory Council, which includes leading domestic and international epidemiologists, clinicians and other specialists, will submit its recommendations to minimize the consequences of Covid -19 in Kyrgyzstan. The experts will report on the best world practices to tackle the pandemic and explain how they can be effectively applied in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan needs serious, prompt and constant analysis of international experience and the development of recommendations on decision-making in the areas of public health, as well as work on further possible scenarios of the situation. Whenever possible, each management decision should be accompanied by appropriate expert justification.

“We hope that the new platform will help develop and explain the most effective and balanced measures to adapt business and society to new living conditions during the pandemic,” IBC Executive Director Askar Sydykov said.

It is planned that the recommendations of domestic and international experts — epidemiologists, virologists, clinicians and other specialists will be periodically presented to the public.

“At the first stage, we plan to support this site in the next two months. Depending on the development of situation, we will try to maintain it further, because in any case, a scientific approach in the epidemiological situation is very important. Therefore, the business decided to show social responsibility and support the activities of scientists,” explained the IBC head.

Countries around the world are preparing for a new reality, for a new way of life. Everyone understands that the current situation will not last a month or two, but at least a year, or even two.

“In Kyrgyzstan, it is also necessary to prepare for life in new conditions, and it is more efficient to do this with the help of specialists,” said Aibek Mukambetov, Director of the Public Health Program of the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan.

"It is vital to take the necessary measures, including improving the health system, timely and proportionate restrictions, and most importantly, to raise public awareness,” he added.

Scientifically based information does not always find an adequate response in the authorized state bodies. Thus, the Oxford Group on Covid -19 in April of this year (with updates in July) presented six scenarios for the development of the situation to government agencies. Unfortunately, the conclusions of the experts were not sufficiently taken into account when planning measures to tackle the coronavirus outbreak in Kyrgyzstan.

“The disease is new for us, and there are a lot of unknowns. New facts are constantly being published,” said Aijan Dooronbekova, an epidemiologist, a member of the Oxford Group for Modeling and Forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic, Director of the Social Development Institute.

“There are many contradictions and unconfirmed information among the data streams, myths, ignoring which can aggravate the epidemiological situation. At the same time, scientifically sound and useful information is lost," she said.

According to experts, for the timely collection, analysis and selection of scientifically proven facts on the fight against Covid -19, a platform is needed that will bring together experts and scientists from Kyrgyzstan and other countries.

For all questions please contact Zhanabil Davletbaev, International Business Council. +996554228850