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IBC Sustainable Development Committee elects new Chairperson

October 18, 2017

On October 17, members of the IBC Committee on Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) discussed the results of the committee's work for the previous period, the current situation and key trends in the CSR development in Kyrgyzstan, as well as identified a range of topics and issues of interest to the IBC.

The committee elected a new Chairperson - Asel Arstanbekova, head of the Agency "CSR Central Asia".

Earlier, Adilet Abdybekov, head of the Representative Office of Grundfos Kazakhstan LLP in the Kyrgyz Republic, headed the Committee.

The SD & CSR committee was created in April 2011 to establish an equal dialogue and cooperation of the business community with interested groups in order to regulate business matters on social, economic and environmental levels. As well as to enhance recognition of the private sector of Kyrgyzstan in the development of the country.

The SD & CSR committee has become a unique platform for discussion and promotion of the CSR. A relatively new concept for Kyrgyzstan, the effectiveness, and utility of which have been recognized in many countries of the world and is gaining increasing popularity.

The representative of the Committee participated in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ‘Rio+20’ in 2012 and the next year Kyrgyzstan demonstrated its readiness to comply with 17 Sustainable Development goals.