Analysis / Surveys /
Taxation in Euroasian Economic Union brochure

September 29, 2015

There was developed a brochure "The taxation in Eurasian Economic Union" within the "USAID Business Growth Initiative" project on assistance to the State Tax Agensy on improvement of value added tax (VAT) administration system.

Please find attached the electronic version of the brochure. You can get its hard copy at IBC office, 114, 191 Abdrakhmanv str., Hyatt Regency Bishkek.

This brochure was prepared by financial and technical support of the "USAID Business Growth Initiative" project, and the "MF Consulting" company (the subcounteractor of the project) in cooperation with the State Tax Agensy under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The "USAID Business Growth Initiative" project hopes that this work will help to improve tax administration in Kyrgyzstan and to explain new procedures for administration of the VAT in Kyrgyzstan within the EEU.

Download the brochure "The taxation in Eurasian Economic Union"