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Baseline Assessment and Qualification Needs Assessment (2012)

From October to December 2012, IBC conducted a sectoral overview of the Mining Sector in Kyrgyzstan that provided the starting point for program planning, covering the thematic range of all programme components for GIZ Mineral Resources for Development (MRD) Programme, Central Asia. The objective of the programme is: the general conditions for developing a modern mining sector as driver of sustainable development are improved in Kyrgyzstan. The programme operates at the macro, meso and micro levels.

The sectoral overview conducted by IBC will serve as baseline assessment (BA), delivering information on the current situation of the MRD programme indicator that will be used for monitoring and evaluation during the course of programme implementation. There will also be a qualification needs assessment that will describe the existing capacities of sector stakeholders, and identify shortcomings and priorities for capacity development.

The project was implemented in 2012 with support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).