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Law review for July 30 - August 3

August 4, 2018

On July 30, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted for public discussion the draft law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the KR in the Sphere of Income Declaration".

To strengthen the fight against corruption, the draft law proposes the publication in the media of information about the declarants and their close relatives who do not submit the declaration, or submit incomplete information about their incomes, expenses and property status. More:

On July 31, a draft law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic (Budget Code, Law on Pastures and Forest Code) was submitted for public discussion. The initiator: MP M. Bakirov. The bill proposes to establish norms, according to which the fee for the use of pastures of the state forest fund, except for pastures of specially protected natural areas, should come to the local budget. More: